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Digital Dental X-Rays

Dr. Dole, Cosmetic Dentistry, Yorba Linda, CA Dentist
Dental X-rays have come a long way. Todays dental X-rays are safer, faster, more comfortable and more informative than the X-rays of years past. Digital X-rays, one of the latest and most advanced dental technologies, produce high-quality images of your teeth that can be viewed instantly by you and your dentist on a LCD monitor. Digital X-rays reduce radiation by up to 90% and provide exceptional diagnostic information to ensure that potential problems are caught in their earliest stages. Intraoral photography is another alternative to traditional dental X-rays. With intraoral photography, problems such as cavities, fractures and discolorations in the teeth are captured through clear and sharp photographic images that are taken with a 35mm or digital camera.

Intraoral Camera

Intraoral photography is another alternative to traditional dental X-rays. With intraoral photography, problems such as cavities, fractures and discolorations in the teeth, as well as gum disease, are captured through clear and sharp images. The camera also allows you to see what the dentist sees on a monitor right in front of you, making it easier for you to understand and appreciate any potential problems or risks to your oral health.

Ultrasonic Cleanings

Dr. Dole, Cosmetic Dentistry, Yorba Linda, CA Dentist
During ultrasonic dental cleaning, the dentist uses an instrument called an ultrasonic scaler, or Cavitron®. The Cavitron distributes ultrasonic vibrations to literally blast dental tartar, or dental calculus, off of your teeth! As the ultrasonic scaler vibrates, it produces sound waves to break apart stubborn calculus. Water flows out of the tip's end to wash away debris and keep the scaler from overheating. Although you won't feel the vibrations or hear the sound waves, you'll most likely notice that your teeth feel cleaner. And your dentist will have significantly reduced the amount of dental plaque bacteria that causes most dental diseases.